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13 Things Only DIY-ers Understand

Is your glue gun your bestie? Kohl's is here to celebrate the DIY-er in you.

1. Your glue gun is your closest and most reliable friend.

2. Pulling out "lip balm" from your bag, only to find that it's a glue stick.

3. You haven't used glitter in weeks, but you're finding it all over your clothes still. Where did that come from?

4. And wall hooks! They obviously aren't just a place to hang your coat.

5. Your friends are in awe of your superpower to change any plain chair into a beautiful masterpiece.

6. You definitely have a chalk wall in your house.

7. There isn't a T-shirt around that you haven't taken a pair of scissors to.

8. You are the best antiquer because you can repurpose any vintage treasure.

9. You look forward to the insane satisfaction you feel when you peel off that masking tape to reveal your work of art.

10. You definitely aren't familiar with the concept of just "throwing stuff away."

11. Your "grocery list" is mostly all located in the stationery section.

12. You firmly believe that no matter how inexpensive shoes are, you can make them look like a million bucks.

13. And you make sure you always get the perfect Instagram photo of your most recent masterpiece.

Find the perfect starting point for your next project with Kohl's.