17 Times You Needed More Wonder Woman In Your Life


    1. When some priveliged white dude is talking shit.

    2. When somebody tells you you're distracting your classmates/coworkers by having breasts and legs.

    3. When you need a little sisterly love.

    4. When you need realign someone's world view.

    5. When you need to not so gently remind someone your body is not a commodity.

    6. When you need to remind someone it's not your job to babysit them.

    7. When you need a magical transformation sequence to knock the basic off a basic bitch.

    8. When you need a reminder that a hundred motherfuckers can't tell you nothing.

    9. When you need to stand your ground (even if it's moving beneath you).

    10. When you find out a male collegue makes more money than you.

    11. When you don't need a stick.

    12. When someone's intimidated by your prowess.

    13. When you know that anything they can do you can do better.

    14. When a stranger tells you to smile on the street.

    15. When you need to tell it like it is.

    16. When people keep coming at you with opinions on your body.

    17. When you remember there are some things that not even men can ruin.