34 Awesome Things Happening Behind The Scenes On "S.H.I.E.L.D."

    I want to go to there. The premiere is Sept. 24 at 8 p.m. on ABC.

    1. Joss errrwhere.

    2. Twins escaping to witch mountain.

    3. C.H.A.I.R.S.

    4. Celebratory day drinking.


    Mo Tancharoen, Jed Whedon and Joss Whedon (writers, executive producers).

    5. Subsequent drunken Joss Whedon eye rolls.


    6. Strictly enforced rules.

    7. No for real though Mickey Mouse will hunt you down.

    8. Telekinetic bosses.


    Mo Tancharoen (writer, executive producer) and Erin Shade (writer's assistant).

    9. Uh....whatever this thing is.

    10. Backwards chair Monday.

    11. Texts from Nick Fury.

    12. CUPCAKES.

    Elizabeth Henstridge (Agent Simmons).

    13. Hulk hands.

    14. Kick ass ladies (and Master Simon Rhee).

    15. Sweeney Todd lighting/props.

    16. Smizing.

    17. Mom appreciation.

    18. Much Ado About Nothing.

    19. No actually though.

    20. Smooches.


    22. Avenger's swag.

    23. Late night duckfacing.

    24. Night shoot insanity.

    25. S.H.I.E.L.D. cookies!

    26. Hackers in Chewbacca suitssssssssssss.

    27. Plastic nips.

    28. Grady Twinning.

    29. Plaid day!

    30. Double fisting iced coffees.

    31. Nerf guns and tiaras.

    32. Game of Thrones fangirling.

    33. Target practice.

    34. Clark Gregg playing with himself.