9 Horrifying Creatures That Are Real Life Vampires

    These demons of the night are way more terrifying than vampires (or vampire bats) will ever be.

    Dear Lampreys, this officially too many teeth.

    Do not let Vampire Finches fool you with their cuteness.

    MO: They pick open the healing wounds of other birds, mostly seagulls. And even crazier, their prey usually doesn't fight back.

    Likeliness to hunt humans: Unless you're a bird on the Galapagos Islands, you're safe.

    The Candirú is the reason you should never pee in the Amazon.

    This is a Kissing Bug, named for it's propensity to bite faces.

    The Hood Mockingbird learned it's best moves from the formidable Vampire Finch.

    Vampire Moths are real and coming to get you.

    Look into the demon eyes of this creature called an Oxpecker.

    MO: Much like their fellow wound feasting bird friends, Oxpeckers prey on the backs of large mammals like cattle.

    Likeliness to hunt humans: Humans are too small time for Oxpeckers.

    Even this seemingly chill Cooper's Nutmeg snail is out for blood.

    And finally the Madrilenial Butterfly. Which was literally birthed in hell.


    Likeliness to hunt humans: Unlikely (if you're alive) in real life. But definitely in the nightmares you'll have tonight.