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Signs You Need A Break From Being A Millennial

Just respond "can't go" to that millionth '90s-themed party you've just been invited to and take a break with a KitKat™ bar.

1. When someone says they "can't even," you can't even.

2. Your Insta pics are basically creatively directed.

3. It kills you that you can't decide what "-vert" you are.

4. You only talk to strangers IRL to ask if they have a phone charger.

5. You have been so unkind to the English language, but you dgaf.

6. You identify with memes better than you can identify with your own emotions.

7. You're no longer weirded out by people doing weird things with their phone in public.

How did that happen? When did that happen?

8. You've gotten heart palpitations from accidentally liking a pic while backstalking.


9. Food emojis actually make you hungry.

10. Your FOMO dictates your actions, not your common sense.

11. You post Snaps on Insta. You tweet status updates. You 'gram your six-second loops.

12. You swipe in your sleep.

13. You're realizing that romance is kind of not what you thought it would be as a kid.

Reached peak single today after seeing a hot guy with a blackberry and deciding I could live with it

Screw those amazing animated fairy tales for giving us unrealistic expectations about meet-cutes. And hair.

Until you get a break from being a buzzword, take a break with a KitKat™ bar.

And take this survey — it's almost like taking a quiz!