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Here's How To Spot A F*ckboy In The Wild


Spotting a fuckboy in the wild can be a tricky business. Since their origin, fuckboys have evolved and adapted to disguise themselves as eligible mates.

Some fuckboys make their fuckboydom known immediately by their method of transportation.

Other fuckboys have specific physical attributes that let potential mates and fellow fuckboys in their pack know they are in fact, a fuckboy. Here, we have the "You'll Be Hearing From My Father" fuckboy.

While the "You'll Be Hearing From My Father" fuckboy is a popular breed, there are several other notable breeds. Here, we have the "I'll Grab Your Ass at the Club" fuckboy.

The "Fitness Fuckboy" often has a high success rate among mates, primarily because of their caveman-like tendencies and aesthetically pleasing body.

If a fuckboy doesn't fall into a certain breed, there are other telling signs of their fuckboy-ness.

If you meet someone who does not physically appear to be a fuckboy, you must also watch out for the behavioral signs of fuckboydom.

While fuckboys are still fairly undeveloped — and arguably harmless — creatures, we must beware of them to prevent accidental mating, which could lead to the procreation of future generations of fuckboys.