16 Pictures That Are Too Real For Single People

    Relationship status: pizza.

    1. When you don't have any exciting updates:

    2. When it's been too damn long:

    3. When people can't stop marveling at how unbelievable it is that you're single:

    4. When it's late at night and you're looking for a big spoon that isn't just to get Nutella with:

    5. When all your friends get into relationships and you're just chilling:

    6. When your patience is wearing thin:

    7. When your life looks a lot more glamorous on social media than it is in reality:

    8. When you aren't on the same level as your friends:

    9. When you have different priorities than everyone else:

    10. When you feel a little bit left out:

    11. When you make unlikely justifications for why you're single:

    12. When you make excuses for them not texting you back:

    13. When you find healthy ways to cope with the fact that everyone around you is engaged:

    14. When you realize just how bad you are at flirting:

    15. When someone talks to one of your many crushes:

    16. And when the only Snapchats you can send of you and bae are these ones: