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    28 Things Only Russian Majors Understand

    Or Russians, or kids of Russian heritage. We can't forget about you guys.

    1. It takes a special kind of person to major in Russian. And by special I mean weird.

    2. There's a certain look people give you when you tell them you're majoring in/speak Russian.

    3. Which then follows with this question:

    4. Your usual response:

    5. And on the inside, you're secretly thinking:

    6. And then they ask you:

    7. And you're almost tempted to be like:

    8. When people think St. Basil's Cathedral is the Kremlin.

    9. Or when they think Leningrad and St. Petersburg are two different cities.

    10. Or when they think Moscow and St. Petersburg are right next to each other.

    11. When you realize this is the evil Russian version of Chuck Norris.

    12. When you're obsessed with watching "The Americans".

    13. When other people call blini pancakes.

    14. When you know this guy didn't go through enough beets for borscht...

    15. ...But these girls did!

    16. When this needs no further explanation.

    17. And neither does this one.

    18. When you hear the word "Vafli"

    19. If you've been to a dacha, you just want to go back.

    20. Same goes with a banya experience.

    21. You're pretty close to the kids in your department, and the professors are like parents.

    22. And when you hear a freshman say "ochen' da" (translation: "very yes").

    23. When writing essays in an intro-level class:

    24. When writing essays your senior year:

    25. When getting back a graded test:

    26. Yeah, being a Russian major can be tough,

    27. And sometimes it may feel like no one understands us,

    28. But deep down, we know we picked the BEST MAJOR EVER!