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    The Wonderful World Of Pickles

    Cucumber pickles are for amateurs. There's a wide range of wild and awesome pickles.

    So, the standard is the cucumber.

    But Cucumis sativus is not the only pickleable entity in the world. Basically anything can be pickled. And if it can be be done, why not do it, right? Essentially, pickling is just a way to preserve food by holding it in a solution so acidic that most bacteria won't survive.

    Let's start with some standards

    Classic Dill

    We also like our pickles like this:

    Or like this...

    And of course, like this:

    How about a little more exotic

    Pickled Okra!

    I'm not sure why these exist.


    Why not pickle meat?

    Eh, pickled meat pickled feet.

    Pickled Bologna


    Pickled snake!