23 Relationship Plights Of Dudes Everywhere, As Told By Yik Yak

    "Is it weird that I'm 23 and have never had a gf?"

    1. This unlucky guy can't get a lady to fall for him when he's fully clothed:

    2. Oh what a joy it is to be young and in love:

    3. This guy might need to do some soul searching:

    4. Well, that's one way of looking at it:

    5. Maybe he should just go for it, and see what happens:

    6. This one's tough, the best course of action is to proceed with caution:

    7. It's safe to say this is probably something you don't want to hear during sexy time:

    8. This girlfriend probably shouldn't be asking YIk Yak for an answer. Instead she should probably be searching for a plunger:

    9. This shouldn't be too difficult to find, they're all over:

    10. No, not at all. Some people are just late bloomers:

    11. Better call Maury:

    12. Hard to say how long he can play this one off:

    13. Keep your head up guy, if the chain messages prove to be true you only have three years of bad luck left.

    14. Random raging boners are the plight of men, everywhere:

    15. Um, OK. This is less of a plight and more of a humble brag, but good luck?

    16. So, apparently, simplicity is key when dealing with guys?

    17. This is a cardinal sin, you need to have a chat with your roommate, because things are moving WAY too fast.

    18. Onward and upwards, guy:

    19. Better viruses on your computer than viruses in your body.

    20. This shouldn't be a deal breaker:

    21. Busted from what exactly?

    22. This guy might want to proceed with caution, from this it feels like a restraining order is imminent:

    23. And this one ...