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    16 Signs That You're A Biology Major

    We're all mad here.

    1. You have/had a pet named after a famous scientist

    2. "Science!"

    3. You get a little too excited about dissections

    4. "In the hood" has a completely different meaning

    5. Having friends in other majors is extremely aggrivating

    6. Physics is stupid

    7. Plants

    8. You're probably going to die soon

    9. You pretend to cook meth when you're in orgo lab

    10. You've had a foreign professor that pronounces things differently

    11. Reproduction by budding

    12. You call things by their scientific name

    13. You get annoyed when people ask about med school

    14. You've had a few mad scientist-esque thoughts that make you doubt your sanity

    15. You constantly fantasize about switching majors and/or dropping out of school

    16. Your mental health is consistently under question.