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    25 Things People Who Don't Drink Coffee Are Tired Of Hearing

    You caffeine junkies won't understand, but some people just don't like coffee.

    For some people, coffee is a must.

    But other people don't need or want coffee to survive.

    So here are a few things non-coffee drinkers have heard before and don't care to hear again.

    1. Wait. You DON'T drink coffee?!?!

    2. Well have you ever tried coffee?

    3. Is it a religious thing?

    4. Is it a moral thing?

    5. But how do you get up in the morning?

    6. I'd be asleep right now if I didn't have my coffee this morning.

    7. Do you have enough energy to get through the day?

    8. So are you a tea person?

    9. Well there's caffeine in tea, too, ya know.

    10. Coffee is an acquired taste.

    11. You just aren't drinking the right kind of coffee!

    12. I bet you'd really like *insert coffee order here*

    13. Have you tried the coffee from *insert coffee place here*, it's the BEST.

    14. Do you at least like the smell?

    15. Wait. If you don't drink coffee what do you order at Starbucks???

    16. Does that mean you've never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte?

    17. What about cappuccinos, espressos etc.?

    18. But some of them are so nice and foamy!

    19. I don't trust people who don't drink coffee.

    20. Is that why you're always in a bad mood?

    21. Whenever I don't have my coffee I get the worst headaches.

    22. Coffee is good for you!

    23. But coffee is expensive. You probably save a ton of money.

    24. You never have to wait in those crazy coffee lines either!

    25. One day you'll have the perfect cup of coffee and be changed forever.