There's A Name For The Feeling You Get When Something Is So Cute You Want To Squeeze It

    Feeling a bit squee-mish?

    Look at this kitten.

    And this puppy wrapping itself up.

    And these tiny ducklings almost falling over.

    Did you feel an almost overwhelming urge to hug them all really hard?

    If so, you might be suffering from "cute aggression".

    Participants popped significantly more bubbles when looking at pictures of cute animals.

    Wanting to squeeze a kitten doesn't mean we want to hurt it.

    Anecdotal* evidence suggests it's not just fluffy animals that can inspire cute aggression.

    Although fluffy baby animals always hit the spot.

    There's evidence (OK, this GIF) that cute aggression can affect animals too.

    Scientists are now working on finding out what drives the desire to squish cute things.