39 Times "30 Rock" Was The Smartest Show On TV

    "You thumb with a wig."

    1. The ultimate pun:

    2. The dictionary according to Dennis Duffy.

    3. Liz's very relatable hairstyle:

    4. Bev's troubled backstory:

    5. And Kenneth's:

    6. Tracy's perspective on self-respect:

    7. And grammar:

    8. Liz's makeup struggle:

    9. The classic spit-take, with a twist:

    10. Kenneth's recipe for successful television:

    11. This "joke" Jack made:

    12. And this one haha:

    13. Colleen's views on promiscuity:

    14. And her demands before her death:

    15. And, of course, her legacy after:

    16. Kenneth's struggle:

    17. His struggle was ongoing, really:

    18. Tracy's valid observation:

    19. And Liz's:

    20. And Elisa's:

    21. And Jack's:

    22. This definition of erotica:

    23. This breach of trust:

    24. And this fairytale ending:

    25. Jack's Trump theory:

    26. This level of patriotism:

    27. Liz's views on men and women in the dating world:

    28. The most infallible gay scale:

    29. Second only to this one, maybe:

    30. The ultimate display of faith:

    31. Kenneth's word:

    32. Toofer's stroke of magical, mathematical genius:

    33. Jenna's personal tragedy:

    34. Pete's brilliance:

    35. Kaylie's quick decline to tooldom:

    36. Cooter's unfortunate fate:

    37. Liz's reaction to life's big moments:

    38. And her sordid college past:

    39. This "joke" haha I'm not crying YOU'RE CRYING:

    Miss you, 30 Rock. 💜