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25 Sensations That'll Transport You Back To Your Childhood

Mmmm, squishy Play-Doh.

1. Gently pulling apart a sticky cluster of Gushers.

2. Smoothly gliding a Gelly Roll pen across a sheet of paper.

3. Feeling the sticky sugar left on your fingers after finishing a Ring Pop.

4. The soft squish of fresh Play-Doh between your fingers.

5. Licking the cold tomato sauce off your fingers after eating a Pizza Lunchable.

6. Hearing the comforting crinkle of a Scholastic Book Fair order form.

7. The easy slide of a Push Pop.

8. Smelling the first page of a Shel Silverstein book at the school library.

9. Feeling butterflies in your stomach every time the old school Disney logo popped up on your TV screen.

10. Folding a perfectly creased paper fortune teller.

11. The light pressure of a stretch tattoo choker on your neck.

12. Sucking the final drops out of a Capri Sun.

13. The rubbery smell left on your hands after playing with a Koosh Ball.

14. The smack of a slap bracelet coiling around your wrist.

15. Hearing the toaster pop out a hot, gooey Wild Berry Pop-Tart.

16. The scrape of a Skip-It on the concrete sidewalk.

17. Flinging a sticky hand against the wall, then slowly peeling it off.

18. Crunching a big spoonful of your favorite cereal before settling in to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

19. Slurping your favorite milkshake through a crazy straw.

20. Feeling the frothy explosion in your cheeks after emptying an entire packet of Pop Rocks in your mouth.

21. Trying to mold a sticky glob of Floam into the shape of your favorite animal.

22. Using your personal pencil sharpener to try and sharpen your pencil in one long, perfect shaving.

23. The velvety squish of a Beanie Baby in your palm.

24. Hearing the low whir of a VHS tape rewinding.

25. Seeing the soft glow of plastic stars on your bedroom ceiling at night.