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Amy Poehler Hiding From Donald Trump Is All Of Us

The true friendship test.

Tina Fey stopped by Fallon, which is always great, but it was especially great this time because they'd both just been to the taping of Adele's big concert at Radio City Music Hall.

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Jimmy introduced Adele on stage, and Lorne Michaels tricked Tina into coming by, pretending it was work-related.

But Tina actually didn't need to do anything work-related; Lorne just wanted her to see the show. So she was taken to her seat, and realized she was seated in front of a familiar face.

Tina is not a big Trump fan.

But she was face-to-face with him, so she was polite.

Amy Poehler was also there, sitting next to Tina (of course), and she did what most people would have done in that situation: hide.


The moral of the story? Everyone dye your hair red right now.