21 Embarrassing Things Every Muggle Secretly Does

    The Muggle struggle is real.

    1. Started writing a diary just to see if it would write back.

    2. Quietly muttered “Lumos” when you turn on a light.

    3. Still silently swoon whenever someone says “always” in any context.

    4. Said “Accio” to try and summon something you've misplaced.

    5. Seen a rat and tried to count the number of toes it had.

    6. Lingered around the snake display case at the zoo, listening very hard.

    7. Longed to be flushed down a toilet.

    8. Immediately and silently sorted someone you just met into the appropriate Hogwarts House.

    9. Discreetly pressed a hand against the walls in every train station you visit, just in case.

    10. Still felt the tiniest twinge of hope when you check your mail.

    11. And still felt the inevitable disappointment when the heaviest envelope is just your utilities bill.

    12. Been very cautious around any and all willow trees.

    13. Felt genuinely afraid of muttering any of the Unforgivable Curses, even as a joke.

    14. Looked at a sock and teared up.

    15. Been immediately suspicious of people who wear a lot of pink.

    16. Secretly decided what your Horcruxes would be.

    17. Done something embarrassing and whispered "Obliviate," full of hope.

    18. Looked at your empty tea cup a little too closely.

    19. Convinced yourself on more than one occasion that you were going to die soon because you kept seeing the Grim.

    20. Said the words "Expecto Patronum" when you were alone and afraid.

    21. Gotten a headache and seriously wondered if all is indeed well...