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25 Famous Movies That Should Have Been About Cheese

Everyone knows cheesy movies are the best.

1. Catching Feta

2. Bleu Jasmine

3. Asiargo

4. Captain American

5. Chèvre Let Me Go

6. Jane Gruyére

7. Romano Holiday

8. The Mask of Gorgonzola

9. Good Limburger

10. Close Encounters of The Curd Kind

11. Provolone

12. That Thing You Fondue!

13. Something's Ricotta Give

14. Inglorious Bascurds

15. The Goudafather

16. Cheese Wheel

17. Parmesan

18. Swiss Congeniality

19. Runaway Brie

20. The Place Beyond The Rinds

21. Muenster

22. Cheddars to Juliet

23. Parmesan of The Dead

24. Mozzarella Got Her Groove Back

25. Manchego Unchained