Britney Spears Wrote Justin Timberlake's Name All Over Her "Crossroads" Journal

    RIP me.

    If you have a heart and/or soul, you know and love the 2002 movie Crossroads, a coming-of-age classic starring Her Majesty Britney Spears, Zoe Saldana, and Taryn Manning.

    In a series of interviews with Broadly, the women behind the masterpiece shared their memories from the project.

    Ann Carli, the film's producer, recalled how she met a writer named Shonda Rhimes, who came to write the film's script.

    Carli also recalled how sweet and down-to-earth Britney Spears was, and that despite her elaborate contract, she only ever requested two things: tuna Lunchables and edamame.

    And Tamra Davis, the film's director, remembered how capable and polite Spears was on set and off.

    Davis also remembered, of course, that there was a blessed time in all our lives when Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake dated and were The Best Couple Ever.

    And, yes, they were an even better couple IRL.

    "It was just the most beautiful relationship," Davis said, "Seeing the two of them together and how love-y they were. They were just so close, and she was such a supporter of his."

    "He worked just as hard as her. It was like, she would be doing rehearsals and he would be doing rehearsals. They really knew that life together."

    Is your heart breaking? Are the tears running down your face? Cool, cause it gets worse: To help her get in character, Davis had Britney "absentmindedly doodle in a notebook in character, to show the character's creative aspirations."

    And you know what Britney wrote? JUSTIN'S NAME. "I have the book. All she was writing was 'Britney and Justin,' all these little curlicues. It was like looking at a teenage girl's musings — hearts and butterflies and Justin's name."

    RIP love, RIP life, RIP all of us.

    Read the full article here, preferably somewhere you can weep openly.