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23 Nerdy Kids Who Will Restore Your Faith In The Future

Guys, it's gonna be OK.

1. Little Beast Boy from Teen Titans, hello. You are the future, and you are good.

2. Tiny Captain America, all suited up, we're so lucky to have you protecting us.

3. Baby Donatello, the future is cowabunga thanks to you.

4. Hi, lil' Batgirl, spread those wings. We're happy to see you.

5. And another tiny Batgirl! Everything's going to be fine.

6. Baby Goku, we're trusting you to keep us all safe.

7. Super Family! We've got nothing to worry about, guys.

8. And neither does Arendelle.

9. Amazing Pizza Girl, we're counting on you to keep the most sacred of foods safe.

10. Baby Groot, you will grow up to be the world's most adorable dancer.

11. Spiderkid! The city of New York needs you.

12. We don't have to worry about the power of the Sith, the force is strong with Baby Leia.

13. Tiny Cap, you've got this.

14. Tiny Cap, you've also got this, binky and all.

15. And Hulk! Assemble with your fellow Avengers — keep the world safe!

16. Hello, Superkid.

17. Robin and Supergirl, our fate is in your hands.

18. Small Joker, your taste in villains is impeccable.

19. Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel, it's so good to know you've got our backs.

20. Don't be afraid of no ghosts, guys.

21. Kid Doctor! Please, let us travel all of space and time with you.

22. Or at least let us hitch a quick ride on the TARDIS — you're going to do some cool stuff.

23. And sweet little Yoshi, the coolest of the Mario universe. We're glad to have you in our world.