27 Times Michael Scott Fucking Blew It

    "Hey, Mr. Scott, what you gonna do?"

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the worst thing Michael Scott has done on The Office. Here are the cringeworthy results.

    1. When Michael made a promise to pay a bunch of third-graders' college tuition, and then told them he couldn't do it.

    —John Barry, Facebook

    2. When he ran Meredith over with his car.

    3. When he clearly had no boundaries and dated Pam's mom.

    4. And then eventually broke up with her. ON HER BIRTHDAY.

    5. When Michael burned his foot on the George Foreman Grill, and then used it to cook for everyone at the office.

    6. When he hosted Diversity Day and it was actually a problematic disaster.

    7. When Michael was pissed that Kevin stole the spotlight on his birthday.

    8. When he sent out a Christmas card of Carol's family without her permission and replaced her ex-husband's face with his own.

    9. When Michael kissed Oscar to prove he wasn't homophobic.

    10. When Michael revealed that the Buffalo branch was closing during a game of SlumDunder Mifflinaire.


    11. When Michael basically put Prince Family Paper out of business.

    12. When he gave Toby a rock as his going-away present on his last day.

    13. When Michael interrupted Phyllis and Bob's wedding vows.

    14. And when Michael forced a Yankee swap because he hated the oven mitt Phyllis personally made for him.

    15. When Michael held the pizza delivery boy captive because he didn't accept the discount coupon.

    16. When he told everyone in the office about Stanley's affair.

    17. When he pretended to fire Pam over stealing office supplies.

    18. When Michael ruined the Scranton High School hockey team's winning streak to film Threat Level Midnight.


    19. When Michael listened to his GPS instead of Dwight and drove into a lake.

    20. When Michael ruined the Woody doll Holly's boyfriend gave her.

    21. When Michael accidentally sent the risqué picture of himself and Jan in Jamaica to Dunder Mifflin packaging.

    22. When he tried to frame Toby for drugs by using a caprese salad.

    23. When he created the worst possible username for an online dating site.

    24. When Michael found it hilarious that someone flashed Phyllis in the parking lot.

    25. When Michael bought Meredith an ice cream cake even though she's lactose intolerant.

    26. When Michael made a mark on his date because he couldn't remember what she looked like.

    27. And when Michael updated Toby on the status of their friendship.

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