22 Things Only People Who Went To Harvard Will Understand

    Ve Ri Tas, everyone.

    1. Ah, fair Harvard. Students here are from all walks of life, yet there's a lot of things they all have in common....

    2. At some point, you took a selfie with the John Harvard statue, even though you felt cheesy about it.

    3. You always get your copy of The Crimson at the Out Of Town News stand in Harvard Sq.

    4. You're used to your friends asking you if it's really like The Social Network (um, not really).

    5. But even so, you're proud of ol' Zuck for being the Harvard graduate to create the most useful internet thingee ever.

    6. You know that Hollis is the BEST freshman dorm.

    7. You've noticed that the Dunster dining hall looks suspiciously like Hogwarts.

    8. You take your study breaks at Cardullo's.

    9. You're used to seeing a lot of random people wandering around campus taking photos.

    I'm pretty sure there are more tourists at my school than there are students #HarvardProblems

    10. You've always wondered what's up with this tree.

    11. Your exams are harder than anything you've ever done. Even multiple choice tests are over-achieving!

    Not really sure why a multiple choice question should have TWENTY options.. I just don't get it..#harvardproblems

    12. You were either in one of the exclusive Eating Clubs, or you had strong feelings about not being in one.

    13. You shop for your books at the Harvard Bookstore.

    14. (And the whole thing about getting your money back at the end of the semester was a lie).

    Harvard had me broke on the first day. #harvardproblems

    15. By your sophomore year, you'll have learned how to make the best of a Boston winter.

    16. You maybe went there at the same time as a famous Hollywood actress.

    17. You know your famous alumni, like Eli Whitney (inventor of the cotton gin).

    18. And presidents like Gerald Ford.

    19. The biggest reason for being late to class is the security for some foreign president holding you up.

    Ugh, the leader of some-country-or-another is visiting and their motorcade is blocking the shortcut to classes. #HarvardProblems

    20. You'll always root for the crimson colors.

    21. Inevitably, something like this happens:

    Posting sass about Sen. Schumer and then remembering you're Facebook friends with his daughter #harvardproblems

    22. But no matter what, this place will always feel like home!