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29 Guilty Faces Of Cats In Christmas Trees

For cats, putting a tree in your living room is like setting out a plate of heroin in front of an addict. They simply can't help but climb that sucker.

1. Guilty.

2. Guilty.

3. Super fucking guilty.

4. Guilty.

5. Guilty and stuck.

6. Don't try to hide.

7. Guilty guilty guilty guilty goddammit so guilty.

8. "Has the jury reached a decision?" "Yes, your honor. We find the defendant GUILTY AS FUCK."

9. Oh, don't try to think you can get out of this and no one's noticing, pal.

10. "Who, me?" Yeah, fucking YOU, buddy.

11. Don't even think about it.

12. Narwwwgggnawrgnawg guilty.

13. Oh, come ON.

14. Guilty.

15. Guilty of wanton ornament destruction.

16. Literally. This is you.

17. Gggggggguilty.

18. Guilty, and please stop gnawing at that.

19. Don't even pretend.

20. Um, yes, we see you.

21. We see you too, pal.

22. Thou doth protest too much.

23. Already getting into the tree box? I see where this is headed.

24. Premeditated.

25. Guilty.

26. I am dying right now that you think there's even a chance you're getting away with this, bud.

27. Guity.

28. Caught red-pawed.

29. Guilty, do not pass GO, go directly to jail.