13 Things Only Real Druids Will Understand

    Solstices, amirite?

    1. Praying to your multiple gods

    2. When your robe starts to smell funky and you're like "omg"

    3. When your mom prays to the spirits for you to come to dinner

    4. Fighting the Romans in a bloody battle

    5. Ugh, fuck you dad

    6. When the high priest calls for a human sacrifice of threefold death

    7. Building your Wicker Man for human sacrifices

    8. Being cool and pagan

    9. When your dad makes you carry these dumb heavy rocks for his stupid solstice ritual

    10. Shopping for new robes for the the first day of school

    11. Understanding birds

    12. Chillin' out after school by the 'henge, smoking cloves with your buddies

    13. Remember when we used to wear these headdresses? A true Iron Age druid will remember!