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19 Everyday Situations That Are Impossibly Difficult For The Socially Awkward

Can I please just go home now?

1. Getting to the restaurant/movies/concert before the rest of your friends.

2. Deciding whether you're shaking hands or hugging (or both??).

3. Making small talk with hairstylists.

4. Having absolutely no idea if someone's flirting with you or just being friendly.

5. Elevator rides.

6. The never-ending loop of asking each other "how are you" when greeting someone.

7. Responding to a compliment.

Via giphy.com

Actually zero things you can think of to say without sounding like an idiot.

8. Riding the subway with an acquaintance.

9. Determining the appropriate amount of enthusiasm for dancing.

10. Ordering coffee, especially if it's busy or a new place.

11. Trying to decide what to do when you're walking into someone else's path.

12. When someone actually calls you instead of texting.

13. Knowing what to do with your arms when you walk.

14. Making eye contact with anyone, ever.

15. Accidentally liking a Facebook photo you should never have been looking at.

16. Realizing you're walking near someone you know.

17. When you can't hear what someone said, so you say "what?" and they repeat it, and you still can't hear it.

18. Walking into a party and feeling immediately unsure what to do with yourself.

19. Most of life, just in general.