9 Reasons "Salinger" Might Be Too Annoying To See

    Even if you really love J.D. Salinger.

    1. When you promote a movie like Salinger has been promoted, it really needs to deliver.

    2. It doesn't help that the movie's "secret" has now been revealed everywhere.

    3. Salinger relies heavily on reenactments —

    — and they are terrible.

    4. Even a real person reenacts something he did.

    5. Throughout the film, Salinger seems to be in a full panic that we don't see him enough.

    6. The talking heads can't just be talking heads.

    7. Speaking of talking heads, apparently, we need famous people to tell us why Catcher in the Rye was important.

    I'd be happy to see a movie with Edward Norton or John Cusack (or Martin Sheen or Philip Seymour Hoffman or etc.) in it. I don't need them to tell me, however, about the work of J.D. Salinger. Maybe James Franco, though! Wait, where is he? Weird.

    8. It's not just famous people who read Catcher in the Rye, though; apparently lots of people have read it.

    Because seriously, you guys, that book is popular!

    9. In the end, I felt pretty terrible having seen this movie at all.