23 Things Every Military Significant Other Can Relate To

    You're now on a first-name basis with your mailman.

    1. You stalk the mailman.

    2. Dinner for one is an every day occurrence.

    3. The sexual frustration is real.

    4. Some days just genuinely suck, and on those days you eat your feelings.

    5. You stay up all night so you don't miss a call or text.

    6. You spend time getting all pretty for your Skype date...

    7. ...and then the internet connection drops out.

    8. When your phone buzzes and IT'S ACTUALLY THEM.

    9. You sleep in their clothes just to feel a little closer to them.

    10. You're an expert at care packages.

    11. Watching homecoming videos on YouTube makes you cry hysterically.

    12. You have a designated pillow/stuffed animal that you spoon every night your S/O is gone.

    13. Trying not to freak out over the upcoming deployment so you can actually enjoy your time together is one of the toughest things in the world.

    14. Counting down the days until your S/O is home and then having it change...again...and again...and again.

    15. When your S/O is out in the field longer than they're supposed to be.

    16. Sometimes you call your S/O's voicemail just to hear their voice.

    17. To everyone else, homecoming is a high school dance...but to you it's the BEST DAY EVER.

    18. Never knowing when you'll hear from them again is one of the most frustrating things ever.

    19. You'll jump out of the shower mid-shampoo if your phone goes off because the possibility of a missed call from them drives you insane.

    20. Every time you look at the clock you calculate what time it is in their time zone.

    21. So even though sometimes the wait feels like forever...

    22. ...and life can get kind of lonely...

    23. ...you wouldn't trade it for anything, because the reunion is always worth the wait.

    Thumbnail Credit: United States Marine Corps Official Page via Compfight cc