Why Sex Is Going To Be Ridiculously Awesome In The Future

    Thank you, science.

    Sexual enhancement will be gender-neutral.

    Condoms will be super easy to put on.

    Sex dolls will be extremely lifelike.

    Inflatable sex dolls have been around for years, but now the dolls available are shockingly real. (Link NSFW)

    You’ll be able to pleasure your partner remotely.

    Everyone will have sex with their glasses on.

    View this video on YouTube

    NBC / Via youtube.com

    The only problem is that this heightens the potential danger of falling in love with yourself:

    Sex with robots will totally be trendy.

    People will watch a lot more porn.

    Porn will become more social-media-friendly.

    People will mostly have sex for fun.

    Apps will help you find biologically compatible partners.

    The same advances in the study of genetics will open up a world of possibilities for new dating apps. So instead of choosing someone based on whether or not you both love dogs, you could choose based on whether or not your genetic makeup is compatible. In theory, this would eliminate bad kissing forever.

    Being single will be better than ever.

    Designed by British pleasure expert extraordinaire Anne Summers, this terrifying-looking new sex toy promises to enable women to achieve a "third-level orgasm." If you want a pleasure treasure that looks a little less like a model of alien, you might prefer Ora, the "world's most sophisticated oral stimulator." Between that and a bottle of wine, you may never need a man again.

    You’ll be able to sexually multi-task.

    Taking clothes off will be easier (and more musical).

    You'll be able to create your own sex toys.

    Falling in love with your computer will be totally cool.

    The future is a great place if you enjoy the single life.

    You’re going to have sex until you die.