13 Things Thirtysomethings Are Tired Of Hearing

    That is if we can, what with our hearing aids and all.

    1. "Do you even know what fun is?"

    2. "Sex is awful after your twenties."

    3. "People in their thirties are tired all the time."

    4. "You're too old to like this music."

    5. "Ugh, there goes your body."

    6. "Why aren't you married yet?"

    7. "Have you accomplished your goals?"

    8. "I bet your life is a breeze since you have more money now."

    9. "Can I borrow some money?"

    10. "You don't hang out with your single friends anymore since you're married/have kids."

    11. "Your best days are behind you."

    12. "You're just jealous of twentysomethings."

    13. "You probably really wish you could go back to your twenties."