25 Times The Internet Made "Star Wars" Hilarious

    May the forced pun be with you.

    1. What we all would do if lightsabers really existed.

    2. And the result.

    3. Paging Michael Jackson.

    4. LOLOLOL

    5. Kids these days, amirite?

    6. Help us J.J., you're our only hope.

    7. Where's El Threepiõ?

    8. Luke Pawwalker.

    9. This was for creating Jar Jar.

    10. The Empire Strikes the Hatchback.

    11. The cosplay is so close, yet so far, far away.

    12. CSI Tatooine.

    13. The force is strong with this one.

    14. Obi-Wan Kenhegetanyfunnier?

    15. Game recognize game.

    16. Yodough.

    17. #socialmedia.

    18. It's the little things.

    19. All those "beep boops" weren't translated for a reason.

    20. Hair by Solo.

    21. Terminator 2 x Phantom Menace = Anakin's still a dick.

    22. Oh, no! Luke was caught by Wampug!

    23. Better send Han on his French Bull-Tauntaun.

    24. Can it, Tennant.

    25. Truth.