19 Things You Can Do To Not Be A Douchebag

    Would it kill you to put the toilet seat down?

    1. Put your goddamn dish in the sink, not next to it.

    2. Put the frickin' toilet seat down.

    3. Hold your stanky fart until in a better place.

    4. Close the damn drawer all the way.

    5. Stand to the right on escalators so others can pass, for chrissake.

    6. For all that is holy, put the toilet paper on properly and stop doing this.

    7. Don't put an almost empty carton/bottle/whatever back in the fridge.

    8. Cover your filthy mouth when you sneeze.

    9. Don't use the same knife for both the peanut butter AND the jelly, you monster.

    10. Don't press an elevator button that you clearly just saw someone push, just because you think they didn't press it hard enough.

    11. Give people the "thank you" wave while driving.

    12. Have the appropriate amount of items in the 10 items or less line.


    14. Turn off your phone when at the movies, you philistine.

    15. Clean up your dog's fecal matter.

    16. Drive fast in the fast lane because it is called that for a reason.

    17. Don't text someone you will be there soon when you totally know you won't be.

    18. Finally, don't go into work sick, potentially spreading the plague like the patient zero you are.

    19. Say, "Thank you."