"House Of Cards" As Told By Someone Who Has Never Seen It

    It's about magicians, right?

    WARNING! There are spoilers ahead but I wouldn't know since I don't watch the show, but people who do watch the show say that there are.

    I know everyone has watched this show but I haven't, so sue me. What I did do is search Tumblr for images and GIFs to summarize what this show is all about. Here are my findings.

    This is Frank Underwood.* He's a senator?

    Frank is a no-nonsense kind of guy, who isn't going to let a receding hairline hold him back.

    He was also an aspiring animator but had to put that dream on the back burner.

    Everything Frank says is extremely deep.

    This is his wife, Bossbitch.gov.*

    I think she has anger issues.

    This is their daughter. Her name is Zoe.

    Frank is close to Zoe.

    Wait, I'm confused.


    Moving on, Zoe misses trains a lot.

    Plus, Major Dad from Major Dad is in it. He thinks everything is funny.

    Anyway, Frank and Bossbitch.gov seem to be pretty open sexually, which is pretty cool for politicians.

    After they have threesomes they enjoy dinner and wine and looking at each another.

    The real mystery of the show is the "him" that they hate so much.

    Also, Linda keeps coming in and messing stuff up.

    What everyone DOESN'T know is that their every move is being watched by this guy named Cashew and his talking guinea pig.

    However, Frank is writing every thing he does down so as not to be blackmailed since he will have his own paper trail.

    Ultimately, the show is about people who like to look at the camera and give soliloquies.

    Like, they loooooove looking at the camera.

    Yep, this show is probably awesome and I think I nailed what it's all about. Right, Frank?