Driving: Expectations Vs. Reality

    The road to the open road is often a bumpy road, but a road you will be glad you rode nonetheless.

    Expectation: Acing the written test.

    Reality: Forgetting everything you read.

    Expectation: You will parallel park like a pro.

    Reality: This happens.

    Expectation: Driving your friends around will be awesome.

    Reality: Your friends freak out, because "you're going too fast."

    Expectation: You will not be a distracted driver.

    Reality: Phone calls, eating, you name it.

    Expectation: You will master the freeways and highways, proving you aren't scared.

    Reality: It's like the freakin' Autobahn out there.

    Expectation: You will sing in the car, not caring what other people may think.

    Reality: You care what other people think.

    Expectation: Road trips are going to be the best.

    Reality: You're the only one with a drivers license, so you do all the driving.

    Expectation: When you get pulled over you will handle it with class and dignity.

    Reality: You cry.

    Expectation: You will not give in to road rage.

    Reality: Someone cuts you off, and you become a monster.

    Expectation: You will look super cool driving.

    Reality: What you really look like.