31 Ways You Are The Grandparents From "Everybody Loves Raymond"

    Frank and Marie Barone are you.

    1. You are a pro at prioritizing.

    2. You've experimented with tofu at least once.

    3. You have successfully defined your relationship with the world:

    4. Your greatest issue in life:

    5. You know how to support a loved one:

    6. You can get mildly competitive:

    7. You know how to get wild:

    8. You got really experimental in that one art class you took:

    9. You are painfully aware of reality:

    10. You have a devoted love of dessert:

    11. Your honesty is unflinching:

    12. You have a strong need for human companionship:

    13. You're accepting of people's sexual orientation:

    14. And you occasionally question your own:

    15. You sometimes tweak the details of an otherwise mundane story:

    16. Sometimes, you're just plain confused, and it's ok:

    17. Your life advice is unparalleled:

    18. You have a warm sense of humor:

    19. You share the same views on pornography:

    20. You sometimes lack the ability to think quick:

    21. You feel like your Facebook-stalking tendencies have crossed some lines:

    22. You always think ahead:

    23. You have your existential moments.

    24. You pay close attention to detail:

    25. You've given some thought to your current diet:

    26. Technology sometimes goes over your head:

    27. You, more often than not, deviate from the norm:

    28. You have no problem articulating exactly how you feel about someone:

    29. You have the ability to be fabulous no matter what:

    30. You have great taste in literature:

    31. And you're an amazing driver: