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    'Moonrise Kingdom' Is The American, Less Magic 'Harry Potter'

    It's uncanny.

    Sam and Suzy:

    Are the American Harry and Hermione

    Sam's parents are dead.

    So are Harry's.

    Suzy fights Sam's battles.

    Harry would have died in the first book without Hermione.

    Suzy has a cat.

    So does Hermione.

    Suzy and Hermione also wear strangely similar hats.

    Sam and Suzy like to dance.

    So do Harry and Hermione.

    It took Sam 45 minutes to get to second base with Suzy.

    It took Harry and Hermione 7 books, 7 movies and a dream sequence.

    Sam makes a few enemies along the way.

    But who are we kidding? So does Harry.

    In conclusion

    Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop

    Are Harry Potter and Hermione Granger