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27 Things Found In A Former Pro Athlete's Foreclosed House

NBA draft bust Robert Swift's foreclosed home was recently bought. This is what was found inside. The new owners of the house describe it as straight out of a horror movie.

1. Trash.

2. Like, a lot of trash.

3. Trash and guns.

4. Guns and trash.

5. A mannequin torso at which guns were shot.

6. Bullets and shells from said guns.

7. More bullets and shells AND grass clippings. (?)

8. Full bottles of prescription drugs.

9. This delightful toilet.

10. Giant knives just lying around.

11. Sewage.

12. A classy poster.

13. Samurai swords.

14. A giant friggin' hole in the wall.

15. This Bud Light palm tree.

16. Apples to Apples and the Jonny Quest Card Game.

17. A giant jug of urine.

18. An El Camino without an engine.

19. More classy posters.

20. An even classier Jack Sparrow mural.

21. With a kickass pirate ship.

22. A telescope.

23. Some silverware in the bathroom.

24. VHS tapes.

25. More shell casings.

26. Whatever this is.

27. And the scariest thing anyone has ever seen.