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"The Sandlot": Where Are They Now?

How has time been to the best group of pick-up baseball players the world has ever known? Find out.

Scott Smalls — Tom Guiry

Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez — Mike Vitar

Michael "Squints" Palledorous — Chauncey Leopardi

Wendy Peffercorn — Marley Shelton

Hamilton "Ham" Porter — Patrick Renna

Kenny DeNunez — Brandon Quentin Adams

Bertram Grover Weeks — Grant Gelt

Timmy Timmons — Victor DiMattia

Tommy "Repeat" Timmons — Shane Obedzinski

Alan "Yeah-Yeah" McClennan — Marty York

Scott's Stepdad — Denis Leary

Scott's Mom — Karen Allen

Mr. Mertle — James Earl Jones