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    Could Glitter Beards Be The New U.S. Presidential Campaign Trend?

    With increasing reports of hipsters adding glitter to their ample facial hair, we wanted to see what our U.S. presidential candidates would look like if they adopted the fad.

    You've already seen what the candidates for President of the United States would look like with beards. Now I'm ratcheting things up a notch after reading headlines like Hipsters 'glitter bombing' their beards (USA Today), This Christmas, Men Are Glitter-Bombing Their Beards (Slate), American masculinity is on its glittery deathbed (New York Post), and This New Beard Trend Is Gonna Make You Wanna Die Inside (BuzzFeed). No need to get suicidal, folks, just allow your sense of humor to become your lifesaver. I hereby present for your satisfaction an artist's rendering of what the U.S. presidential candidates would look like, if they were wearing glitter beards.

    Ben Carson

    Hillary Clinton

    Ted Cruz

    Bernie Sanders

    Chris Christie

    Rand Paul

    Carly Fiorina

    Jeb Bush

    Marco Rubio

    Donald Trump