21 Things People Always Get Completely Wrong About Servers

    This'll make you tip them even more.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most annoying misconceptions about servers. Here’s what they had to say.

    1. Misconceptions about servers abound, but one of the most common is that you lack any and all education.

    2. As a result, people think you're unable to get a "real" job, despite the fact that serving is the REALEST job ever.

    3. And they think serving is just a job to "get by" until something better comes along.

    4. Contrary to popular belief, serving is NOT an easy job at all: You're on your feet ALL day, carrying food and interacting with hundreds of customers.

    5. That's why it's especially frustrating when people think it's OK to talk down to you...

    6. ...or snap their fingers to get your attention.

    7. For many, the assumption goes that all servers hate their jobs and fake a smile for tips.

    8. And many people can't imagine that you might, in fact, actually find your job rewarding.

    9. In general, people seem to be a bit confused about what your job entails, and they think you have a lot more power than you really do.

    10. For instance, you definitely don't set the prices.

    11. And you don't prepare food in the back either.

    12. Nevertheless, people blame you for mistakes in the kitchen...

    13. ...and some even think it's OK to dock your tip for a kitchen screw-up.

    14. Speaking of tips, there are some serious misconceptions that need to be cleared up: One is that servers make minimum wage before tips.

    15. And another is that you don't depend on tips to get by, which you DEFINITELY DO.

    16. That said, people should never think that servers are so desperate for a $5 tip that they'll take customers' rudeness and abuse.

    17. And, no, it is never OK to leer at or sexually harass servers in any way.

    18. While you do serve food, you're not a food fairy who's able to serve customers whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want...

    19. ...because, even though some people don't act like it, you do have more than one table to serve.

    20. And for some reason, customers believe you're always trying to trick them into spending more money when offering menu suggestions.

    21. Finally, people tend to think that anyone can be a server, but you know the truth: It takes a special kind of person — one who's patient, kind, and professional — to work in the service industry.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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