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    How You Know Its Safe To Unfollow On Instagram

    We’ve all been there. That moment where you want to unfollow someone, but just don’t know if it’s the right time. Here is a handy list of offenses that let you know when it is safe.

    They post more than 3 catgrams in a row

    They Like-bomb all your photos

    They post ridiculous BFF pictures

    They Repost Memes

    They post "eloquent", passive-aggressive attacks on their Notes app.

    #They use #hashtags every #other word

    They don’t adhere to the sacred charter of ‘Follow for Follow’

    They post food, and only food pics.

    They post outrageous, medical atrocities.

    They turn out to be Posers

    In closing, remember the Golden Rule and you will maintain Instagram bliss