13 British Emojis We Definitely Need

    Because, really, why is there no wanker emoji yet?

    1. The "Fry Up" emoji

    Use instead of stars to rate your hangover, based upon how many full English breakfasts you think you could eat the morning after.

    2. The "Accidental Partridge" emoji

    Use whenever someone reveals their inner Partridge.

    3. The "Queuing" emoji

    It's perfect for when your mum goes to get one last thing from the shop even though the rest of your shopping has almost reached the cashier.

    4. The "Nandos" emoji

    Because the Nandos bird brings nothing but joy.

    5. The "Brent" emoji.

    If you're using it about someone else, it means they're a twat. If you're using it for yourself it means you're excited.

    6. The "Pyramid Stage Glastonbury" emoji

    A simple but necessary emoji to describe a washout, for when the predictably British weather ruins something you'd been looking forward to.

    7. The "Teapot" emoji

    Instead of having to articulate your feelings, offer a teapot emoji. It says, "hey, I'm there for you" without having to actually, you know, say that.

    8. The "Flicking The V" emoji

    For when someone is so calculated an arse that there's no response better than telling them to fuck off in emoji form.

    9. The "Doctor Who" emoji

    Useful for when your Doctor Who excitement can't be expressed in words.

    10. The "Chips" Emoji

    11. The "Cheese On Toast" emoji

    Use it whenever something it a bit cheesy or boring.

    12. The "Womble" emoji

    ~The~ essential emoji if you want to spread the message of recycling to the people of Wimbledon - or easily turned into the much more useful "Cockwomble" just by adding aubergine.

    13. The "Wanker" emoji

    No explanation necessary.