13 Struggles Only People Named Joanna Could Ever Possibly Understand

    For the love of God, it's not "Joanne."

    1. A million people try to call you "Joanne" for some reason.

    2. Seriously, three syllables is apparently way too hard for a lot of people.

    3. But some people think that somehow "Joanne" is something they can call you for short as a term of endearment.

    4. And then you have to deal with the whole H or no H thing.

    5. And then you have to deal with the horror of someone calling you Jo-Hanna, even if there's no H there.

    6. You have to pretend really hard that Bob Dylan is not pronouncing the H in "Visions of Johanna."

    7. And some people capitalize the A and it's just chaos.

    8. Kool & The Gang only wrote one song about you.

    9. If your nickname is Jo, dudes named Joe start to get confused.

    10. Feeling a little awkward during "Love Actually."

    11. You have to share your name with the evil lizard from "The Rescuers Down Under."

    12. You have to share your name with Jennifer Aniston's character in Office Space.

    13. You have to constantly worry about going to prison because you will probably murder the next person who calls you "Joanne."