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24 Gifts For The Secret Stoner You Know

Get them all for less than an eighth.

1. This collapsable water pipe.

2. This ingenious bracelet pipe.

3. These candies that eliminate cotton mouth.

4. This Stinky candle.

5. This Rubik's cube stash box.

6. These High Times undies.

7. The iHit iPhone case with a secret one-hitter.

8. The wick light that makes organic hemp flames.

9. This portable water bong piece to use on any plastic bottle.

10. This fully functional mouse with built in scale and stash box.

11. This watch that's also a grinder and stash box.

12. The 4:20 clock doesn't lie.

13. The Smokebuddy that absorbs your second hand smoke on the go.

14. These mini bottle bongs.

15. This accurate lighter.

16. These celebrity stoner buttons.

So they know they're in good company. Get them for $8 here.

17. These Blundt Cake holders.

18. Odor and water-proof Doob Tubes.

19. Magnetic Weed Word Poetry.

20. This stash box shaped like a surge protector.

Not: not an actual surge protector. That would be dangerous. Get it here for $20.

21. A notebook for important ideas.

22. This chef's guide.

23. A THC molecule necklace.

24. The pizza cone maker.