13 Important Tips For Twentysomethings In Their First Jobs

ALWAYS negotiate your starting salary. Plus, more stuff no one actually teaches you in college.

1. DO: Negotiate your starting salary, even if you're afraid.

2. DON'T: Text or Gchat on your personal account while you're on the clock, if you can help it.

3. DO: Learn how to network, even if you think you have no connections.

4. DON'T: Spill personal details to Mandy the PR girl just because she sits next to you.

5. DO: Consider negotiating for more vacation days or a flexible schedule if your company is firm on salary.

6. DON'T: Be too shy or closed off.

7. DO: Use your youthful enthusiasm to your advantage.

8. DON'T: Get *too* drunk at happy hour.

9. DO: Know that "soft skills" are the most important thing about your new job.

10. DON'T: Ask for a raise until one year in, unless it seems natural to broach the topic at a semi-annual review.

11. DO: Try your hardest to stay at your company for at least a year.

12. DON'T: Get bummed out if this isn't your dream job.

13. DO: Ask your co-workers what they make, if you trust them.

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