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Proof Teachers Can Have Fun Too

Sometimes the real class clown is...a grown-up.

1. This teacher's iPhone case:

2. This money-making open house bazaar:

3. This trick:

4. This:

5. This teacher's costume:

6. This chemistry teacher who decided to heat things up.

7. This list:

8. This:

9. This excellent busting:

10. This teacher who sees the art in the everyday:

11. This physics problem:

12. This:

13. This helpful advice:

14. This:

15. This library pass:

16. This outfit:

17. This secret decoration on the teachers' lounge fridge:

18. This teacher who graded some graffiti:

19. This brilliant test response:

20. This art:

21. This:

22. This bulletin board:

23. This slide on substitute day:

24. This trig explanation:

25. This history teacher's poster:

26. This lab sign:

27. THIS: