How The Time Warner Cable/CBS Feud Is Basically Ross and Rachel

Sometimes, TV will NOT be there for you when the rain starts to fall.

In the beginning, Time Warner Cable and CBS got along swimmingly.

Then in June, CBS decided that it wanted Time Warner to pay it more money per subscriber.

Wait, so all this fighting is over a DOLLAR?

Because TWC and CBS couldn't reach a deal, CBS-owned channels in New York, Los Angeles, and Dallas have gone dark on cable systems around the country.

Yes, if you're a TWC subscriber in one of these three metropolitan areas, this means no Under the Dome.

As a result, CBS could be losing up to $400,000 per day.

TWC is likely losing money as well, as peeved customers cut the cable cord altogether, or switch to a DirecTV dish.

Everyone agrees that CBS and TWC will probably kiss and make up soon.

Especially because the NFL seasons begins in September, and if TWC makes subscribers lose access to football, there will be major hell to pay.

But what to do in the meantime? TWC has suggested customers buy antennas and watch CBS the old-school way.

Then, TWC just announced on Monday that they might be willing to offer CBS à la carte to its customers who REALLY want it.

Hopefully, either Time Warner Cable or CBS will capitulate, and realize that they both need each other to make money and pacify customers...

...and they'll only ever speak of this again during drunken arguments.

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