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20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't

The more you know. Inspired by this Reddit thread.

1. Goldfish bowls are really bad places to keep goldfish.

2. For an aspirin to save your life during a heart attack, you need to chew it.

3. Antibiotics don't work on viruses.

4. The "Freedom of Speech" provision in the First Amendment protects you from punishment from the government, not from the consequences of your speech.

The U.S. government, generally speaking, can't arrest you for what you say, but that doesn't shield you from consequences or critique of your speech or actions.

5. Frankenstein is the name of the doctor, NOT the monster.

6. If everyone puts the lid down in a porta-potty, the smell will vent out the pipe that leads to the top.

7. Your blood isn't blue inside your body.

8. Should've is a contraction for "should have," and not "should of."

9. Daddy longlegs spiders aren't really the most venomous spiders in the world.

10. If you plug in earbuds into your laptop's microphone jack, they'll function as microphones.

11. Drowning often doesn't look like drowning.

12. In the Bible, the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden wasn't an apple.

13. Claudette Colvin refused to give up her bus seat to a white person nine months before Rosa Parks did.

14. The top of most ovens lifts up for easy cleaning.

15. Stroke symptoms are different for men and women.

16. Most cars have an arrow on the fuel gauge that tells you what side of the car the gas tank is on.

17. Pterodactyls weren't dinosaurs.

18. "Under God" was a later addition to the Pledge of Allegiance.

19. Feeding bread to ducks is dangerous.

20. Command/Ctrl + Shift + T will restore your accidentally closed tab in Chrome.