29 Photos Everyone Who Grew Up In Australia Will Relate To

    Remember being haunted by the Mulligrubs face?

    1. This epic love story.

    "You look so hot today Rhonda" #GrowingUpAustralian

    2. This terrifying sight.

    #GrowingUpAustralian Being freaked the f&*k out by Mulligrubs on a regular basis #wtfwasit

    3. This not-at-all weird way to learn about ~health~.

    #growingupaustralian man these really were the days we learned the birds and the bees from a talking giraffe in a van

    4. This true fact.

    #growingupaustralian This is so true

    5. This birthday treat.

    #growingupaustralian meant choosing all of your birthday cakes from this book! @WomensWeeklyMag @BuzzFeed

    6. This delightful duo you woke up to every morning.

    #GrowingupAustralian getting up to watch this. best episode was the snake one - you know it 😂🐍😱

    7. And these friendly faces on your TV every afternoon.

    #growingupaustralian being good to your parents just so that you could watch play school in the afternoon.

    8. This famous artist.

    Mr Squiggle & Miss Jane. #growingupaustralian

    9. This Aussie ingenuity.

    #GrowingUpAustralian problem solved

    10. This single you may or may not (read: definitely) owned.

    #GrowingUpAustralian I've been missing your...

    11. This refreshing flavour hit.

    #growingupaustralian the key to surviving the summer

    12. This gourmet delicacy.

    Every kids party I ever went to... #GrowingUpAustralian @ohmadison @alexstopford

    13. This everyday sight.

    14. This uniform.

    #GrowingUpAustralian Wearing these bad boys

    15. This ticket to a delicious lunch.

    #growingupaustralian Your lunch order used to come to your classroom in a washing basket

    16. This actually brilliant marketing scheme.

    When you spent your $2 on green frogs & had nothing to put in your Dollarmites account. #GrowingUpAustralian

    17. This patriotic deliciousness.

    @NurseKilljoy Spotted these at the shops and grabbed em! #TasteBetterWhenYour5 #GrowingUpAustralian

    18. This life goal.

    Wanting to go on A*mazing so effing bad. #GrowingUpAustralian

    19. This important reminder of Eric Bana's beginnings.

    Watching shows like Fast Forward & Full Frontal. Absolute gold. #GrowingUpAustralian

    20. This goddamn queen.

    If you don't know who this woman is you're not an Aussie. #GrowingUpAustralian #sbsqueen #iconic

    21. And this goddamn king.

    #growingupaustralian you all know who he is.

    22. This OG OTP.

    Shane and Angel #GrowingUpAustralian

    23. This ancient proverb.

    24. This bible.

    Begging my dad to buy me both these magazines so I can collect posters and song lyrics #GrowingUpAustralian

    25. This rite of passage.

    #growingupaustralian when 2 vodka cruisers got you drunk at your first house party

    26. This weekend ritual.

    Recovering while watching Recovery #GrowingUpAustralian

    27. This feast.

    #growingupaustralian Feasting on these bad boys

    28. This special kind of ~magic~.

    #growingupaustralian Possum Magic.

    29. And this alternate national anthem.

    #GrowingUpAustralian Have you ever..ever felt like this?

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