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22 Things All Awkward People Know To Be True

It's not a phase if it lasts forever.

1. Your awkwardness can actually be felt in photos...

2. ... And you have no idea what to do with your hands.

3. You're naturally clumsy when the spotlight's on you.

4. You've pretended to be busy on your phone when you're alone in public.

5. And when it comes to actual texting you have no idea what you're doing.

6. When you try to be affectionate it sometimes misses the mark.

7. Nothing causes more distress than having to talk in front of people.

8. Whenever you try to be cool you actually end up accomplishing the opposite.

9. Few things stress you out more than elevators.

10. Actual eye contact makes you extremely uncomfortable.

11. You'll go out of your way to avoid seeing someone you know.

12. Small talk: LITERALLY THE WORST.

13. You sometimes laugh at things no one else finds funny.

14. Most of your photos from childhood are cringeworthy.

15. It's hard for you to get a reciprocated high-five.

16. No matter how hard you try, you realize you'll never be a good dancer.

17. You've always been bad at introductions.

18. Flirting is something you struggle with.

19. Nervous laughter is your default in most situations.

20. Your eating in front of people lacks any kind of grace.

21. When you attempt to be sexy it just falls flat.

22. More than once you've waved at a stranger who was actually waving at someone behind you.

However, in the end we are all a little awkward.