24 Incredible Examples Of Mexican Ingenuity

    Who says you can't make something out of nothing?

    1. These men in their wheelbarrow recliners.

    2. This DIY home security system.

    3. This extended camper.

    4. This minimalist surfboard.

    5. This slick moving van.

    6. This Spartan style gym.

    @david_vitonica El curro de los espartanos era el gym!! jajaja Mira, aquí tengo una réplica de un gimnasio espartano XD

    7. Along with this DIY pull up bar.

    8. This Beyonce themed rotiseria.

    #UnTTdeOdioPara los pollos más nacos del mundo los pollos beyonce

    9. This burro mobile audio system.

    10. This improvised baby carriage.

    11. This clever method for concealing alcohol.

    Como ocultar la cerveza. RT si lo quieres.

    12. This bicycle wheel sewing spindle.

    13. This well known torta chain.

    14. This iHome dock.

    Mexicans be like.. #mexicanproblems #mexicans #mexicansbelike #mexico #Vicente #wtfmexicans #mexicanprobs #hispanic

    15. This grill a la cart.

    16. This sandwich stop.

    Its not subway foo. Its........ #wtfmexicans

    17. This multi-use kiddie pool.

    Para esta temporada de calor no hay como las piscinas elegantes y casuales.

    18. This Tapatio adjustment.

    19. This tire swing.

    20. This amazing under the hood grill.

    21. This clever way to carry groceries.

    22. This two seater dirt bike.

    23. This fashion inspired taco stand.

    Tacos "Tacoste" Jajajaja #YEstanBuenos

    24. This improvised car jack.

    Yup, when it comes to ingenuity where there's a will, there's always a way.